Help protect and save wildlife in the South Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Our Mission: To work with community and conservation partners in the protection of the wildlife and habitats of the South Luangwa ecosystem.
Our Vision: The long term survival of wildlife and habitats in South Luangwa under the custodianship of the Zambian people.
Since officially registering in 2003, Conservation South Luangwa (CSL) has worked in partnership with Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) on the frontline of wildlife conservation and human wildlife coexistence in the South Luangwa Valley. We work to protect the 1,400,000 hectares of largely intact wilderness in eastern Zambia that make up the South Luangwa National Park, and a network of surrounding Game Management Areas. The Luangwa Valley is home to over 60 species of mammal and 450 species of bird, including the endemic Thornicroft Giraffe and Cookson’s Wildebeest and high densities of lion, leopard and wild dog as well as being Zambia’s elephant stronghold.
CSL practices a multi-faceted approach to wildlife resource management and protection, working in collaboration with DNPW to implement counter trade/trafficking measures including anti-poaching foot patrols, aerial surveillance, sniffer dog detection and tracking work, alongside direct community engagement with people living alongside the extraordinary wildlife of the South Luangwa Valley.
Africa(n) Hope Fund helps us collect donations to support our work through their 501c in the United States.
Find out more at www.cslzambia.org